Forest Trails” is an enchanting anthology that delves into the mystical world of nature and the hidden wonders of the forest. Co-authored by a group of talented writers, this anthology aims to transport readers to the heart of the wilderness, where the trees whisper secrets and the forest’s creatures hold timeless wisdom.
The co-authors collectively seek to convey a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of the natural world, emphasising the profound connections that bind humans to the forests and their inhabitants. Through a collection of poems, short stories, and essays, they share their experiences, insights, and contemplations on the forest trails they have explored. Each co-author brings their unique perspective and voice, contributing to a diverse entwining of narratives that inspire readers to connect with nature, discover its hidden treasures, and reflect on the fragile balance between humanity and the environment. “Forest Trails” is a heartfelt invitation to immerse oneself in the serene and mysterious realm of the forest, where the whispers of leaves and the footprints of creatures tell stories waiting to be heard.