(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
“संयोग” एक गहन और प्रेरक कथा है जो भाग्य और संयोग के रहस्यमय लेकिन सौंदर्यपूर्ण जाल को उजागर करती है। यह पुस्तक रोजमर्रा की हलचल और शांत परिदृश्यों के बीच बुनी गई कहानियों और कविताओं के माध्यम से जीवन के अप्रत्याशित और अनपेक्षित मोड़ों का उत्सव मनाती है। पात्रों की विविधता और उनके जीवन के ताने-बाने में अटूट रूप से जुड़ी रचनाएं पाठकों को ऐसे क्षणों में ले जाती हैं जहाँ साधारण मुलाकातें गहरी सच्चाईयों को प्रकट करती हैं।
हर कथा में पात्रों का सफर भाग्य के ऐसे पड़ावों से होकर गुजरता है जहाँ अनकही कहानियों का सन्नाटा और कहानियों का स्पंदन, दोनों ही मौजूद हैं। इन संयोगों के माध्यम से पुस्तक यह दर्शाती है कि कैसे छोटी घटनाएँ स्थायी रिश्तों और गहरे आत्म-साक्षात्कार का कारण बन सकती हैं। “संयोग” केवल कहानियों तथा कविताओं का संग्रह नहीं, बल्कि जीवन के अनदेखे पहलुओं का एक प्रतिबिंब है जो पाठकों को अपनी यात्रा में झाँकने और प्रेरणा लेने का अवसर देता है।
₹280.00Original price was: ₹280.00.₹210.00Current price is: ₹210.00. -
(0)By : Jyoti Kumari
सावन के संग आशाएं
सावन का पावन महीना है। भोलेनाथ की भक्ति इस महीने को बहुत प्रिय है। इस अवसर पर आप सभी लेखकों से अनुरोध है कि अपने शब्दों को पिरोकर इस पुस्तक में लिखें। सावन का सफर बहुत सुहाना होता है। रिमझिम रिमझिम बारिश के साथ कभी-कभी धूप भी होती है, लेकिन फिर भी यह मौसम हम सभी को बहुत पसंद है। बारिश की बूंदों का संगीत और मिट्टी की सोंधी खुशबू दिल को सुकून देती है। सावन के महीने में हरे-भरे पेड़-पौधे, झूमते हुए फूल, और ठंडी हवा का आनंद ही कुछ और है। तो आइए, क्यों न साथ मिलकर सावन के महीने को अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त करें और इस अनुभव को और भी यादगार बनाएं। अपने लेखन के माध्यम से हम इस पावन माह की सुंदरता और भोलेनाथ की भक्ति को और भी जीवंत बना सकते हैं।
(0)By : Supraja Chellam
In my Perfect World
In an ideal world envisioned by many, harmony flourishes among nature, humanity, and technology, crafting a landscape of peace and advancement. Individuals coexist in balance, with diversity and compassion serving as foundational pillars of society. In this realm, nature is preserved with utmost respect, and technology acts as a catalyst for sustainability, fostering connections among people across various boundaries while enhancing, rather than detracting from, the planet’s beauty. Here, love, empathy, and growth are the guiding principles, fostering communities that uplift and inspire one another. This vision is neither distant nor unattainable; rather, it represents a possibility—a blueprint that “In My Perfect World” aspires to present, encouraging readers to dream, believe, and strive for a brighter, more compassionate future.
(0)By : Divya Kumari
Echoes of the Moon and Stars in the Dark Night
The beauty of the stars and the moon conveys countless stories and imparts valuable lessons, captivating all who gaze upon them. In this book, you are invited to explore your reflections on these celestial bodies, examining how they inspire success and impart essential life skills. You will discuss their role in guiding effective time management and the profound lessons they provide to help you realize your dreams. This work serves as a contemplation of the wisdom and inspiration derived from the magnificent wonders of the night sky.
(0)By : Muskaan Jain
Tuning Hearts
“Tuning Hearts” is an exquisite exploration of the profound connection between music and the human soul. This beautifully crafted book delves into the art of music, portraying it as a constant companion that understands and heals us. Music is an integral part of our everyday lives, offering solace and understanding regardless of our mood. Through its enchanting lyrics and melodies, music transports us to other worlds, bridging the gap between dreams and reality.
(0)By : Lakshay Kansal
Param Pujya Shree Ganesha
‘Param Pujya Shree Ganesha’ is the anthology of divine vibes for the reader as its not only just a book it is all about our Maa Parvati & shiv Putra lord Ganesha. Here, you will get to know why we do first puja of Lord Ganesha on every occasion, whether it’s about weddings or its about new business startups. This book is a lesson for every child too because it let them know about our true religious contents. So all readers enjoy reading and fall in love with Shree Ganesha vibes…
(0)By : Clochard
Reverie of Roots: A Tribute To My Father
“Reverie of Roots: A Tribute to My Father” is a work of pure fiction. The names, incidents and characters it portrays illustrate the co-author’s thought processes and personal experiences. They have shared their feelings and creativity in the form of their poetries and short stories. Any resemblance with actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. This Anthology is notable in every aspect of its existence for all of us.
व्यक्ति एक चेहरे अनेक
व्यक्ति एक, चेहरे अनेक: पुस्तक का शीर्षक किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के लिए नहीं है, अपितु आज की पीढ़ी के लिए पूर्णतः उचित है। क्योंकि यहाँ एक ही व्यक्ति दोहरे नकाब लगाए फिरता है। फिर चाहे वह कोई भी रिश्ता क्यों न हो। सभी रिश्तों में आजकल यही चलता है। लोग इंसान को खिलौना समझते हैं, जब मन आया खेला और फेंक दिया। कल एक नया खिलौना फिर उनके लिए तैयार होगा। क्योंकि नजर बदली जा सकती है, मगर नजरिया नहीं..!!
(0)By : Pavithra
Just Do It
“Just do it” embodies the spirit of relentless pursuit and fearless execution. This phrase urges writers to transcend hesitation, embracing the creative process with courage and determination. It’s a call to action, reminding writers that perfection is a myth and progress is paramount. Whether it’s drafting the first sentence or finishing a long-awaited manuscript, “Just do it” inspires writers to overcome self-doubt and procrastination. It emphasizes the importance of starting now, trusting in one’s voice, and persistently honing their craft. In writing, as in life, action is the key to unlocking potential and achieving greatness.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Whispers of Wisdom: Celebrate Grandparents Love
Whispers of Wisdom is a heartfelt celebration of the timeless love and wisdom passed down by grandparents. This collection of touching stories, reflections, and cherished moments highlights the profound bond between generations. Through anecdotes of love, laughter, and life lessons, this book honors the unique role grandparents play in shaping our lives.
From the warm kitchens filled with shared recipes to quiet conversations brimming with life advice, each story captures the irreplaceable connection that bridges generations. Whispers of Wisdom is a tribute to the gentle strength, guidance, and unconditional love that grandparents offer, reminding us of their lasting legacy.
Perfect for readers of all ages, this collection is an ideal gift for anyone seeking to celebrate or remember the enduring impact of grandparents on family, tradition, and life’s most meaningful moments.
₹315.00Original price was: ₹315.00.₹235.00Current price is: ₹235.00. -
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
प्रकृति की खूबसूरती
प्रकृति की खूबसूरती: प्रकृति की खूबसूरती को वर्णन करने के लिए शब्दों की कमी होती है, क्योंकि यह अनगिनत रंगों, सुरों, और आकृतियों का संगम है। पहाड़ों की ऊँचाइयों से लेकर समुंदर की बेहद गहराइयों तक, प्रकृति का सौन्दर्य हर जगह दिखाई देता है। वन्य जीवों का नृत्य, फूलों की मिठास, और मनोहारी वातावरण की खुशबू यहाँ के खूबसूरत प्राकृतिक दृश्यों का हिस्सा हैं। प्रकृति की शांति और सामंजस्यपूर्णता हमें सुकून और आत्म-संतोष की अनुभूति कराती है, और यह हमारे मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को सुधारती है।
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Dreamer in Me
A dreamer is a soul who resides in the dominion of imagination and possibility. They are the weavers of vivid draperies in the playhouse of the mind, where dreams take flight like untamed birds. A dreamer’s heart beats to the rhythm of unknown adventures, and their spirit thrives on the unexplored landscapes of creativity.
They are visionaries, painting the future with hopes, ambitions, and aspirations, often daring to chase those ethereal reveries against scepticism. A dreamer is a wanderer, navigating the maze of desires and an architect of castles in the air, constructing the architecture of what could be.
A dreamer is not bound by the ordinary but dances on the boundary of the extraordinary, for they believe in the power of dreams to shape reality, to transform the world, and to awaken the dormant magic within us all.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Solace is a sanctuary for the weary soul, a refuge where tranquillity reigns. It is the gentle whisper of a forest’s rustling leaves, a symphony of nature’s timeless rhythms. Solace unveils its soothing embrace in solitude’s embrace, an oasis amidst life’s tumultuous currents.
It’s the warm embrace of a cherished friend, a haven where tears and laughter find equal welcome. Within solace’s embrace, burdens are lightened, and worries find respite. It’s the pages of a beloved book, the ethereal notes of a soulful melody, and the quiet moments of self-discovery.
In solace, we find healing, strength, and the essence of inner peace.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Separation is the heart-wrenching act of being torn apart from someone or something deeply cherished. It’s an emotional abyss where bonds are stretched, tested, or severed entirely—separation ushers in longing and loss, whether by distance, circumstance, or choice.
It can be the physical gulf of oceans or the emotional chasm of a broken relationship. The ache of separation reverberates in memories and the silence of empty spaces once filled with laughter. It’s a journey through solitude, forcing introspection and growth, marking a void that yearns to be filled.
Yet, separation isn’t always permanent. It can be a crucible for rediscovery, a test of resilience, and an intro to reunions that rekindle hope and reinforce the preciousness of what was lost.
(0)By : Aayush Khanna
One Hug More
“One Hug More” presents a poignant anthology that delves into the intricate facets of love, emphasizing the profound impact of physical embraces. By exploring intricately crafted narratives, this collection vividly demonstrates how a hug transcends verbal communication, conveying emotions with unmatched depth. The stories featured in this anthology encompass various characters, each portraying moments of vulnerability and connection, underscoring the universal essence of love. An eloquent homage to the power of physical touch and the enduring human longing for meaningful relationships, “One Hug More” is highly recommended for those intrigued by the profound interplay between tactile interaction and emotional bonds.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Chronicles of the Unknown
Dive into the fantastic world of speculative fiction with the mesmerizing collection “Chronicles of the Unknown.” Each story is a gateway to thrilling escapades filled with wonder, suspense, and unexpected twists. Explore uncharted territories and unearth hidden truths in narratives that push the boundaries of creativity. Whether you’re drawn to magical realms or futuristic landscapes, this anthology promises to ignite your curiosity and transport you to unexplored realms of storytelling. Get ready to be spellbound and captivated by the limitless possibilities that await within the pages of “Chronicles of the Unknown.”
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Journeys beyond the Horizon
“Journeys Beyond the Horizon” is an initiative that invites authors to explore the uncharted territories of human experience, exploring the world of adventure, discovery, and transformation. This collection seeks to embrace diverse narratives, from epic voyages across distant galaxies to introspective quests within the soul. Imagine a starship navigating the uncharted reaches of the universe, uncovering alien civilizations and ancient secrets. Picture a lone traveler venturing through enchanted forests and mystical realms, confronting mythical creatures and unraveling age-old mysteries. Envision a journey into the depths of the human psyche, where characters confront their deepest fears and desires, emerging transformed. Each story in this anthology aims to transcend boundaries, sparking imagination and leading readers to new horizons. “Journeys Beyond the Horizon” aspires to challenge the norm, inspire profound reflection, and evoke a sense of wonder, making it a compelling read for those seeking adventures beyond the ordinary.
(0)By : Lakshay Kansal
Wings of Hope
“Wings of Hope” is an inspiring guide to cultivating a hopeful mindset, staying motivated, and embracing resilience. Through uplifting stories and practical advice, it empowers readers to overcome obstacles, maintain a positive outlook, and never give up on their dreams, fostering a life filled with hope and determination.
(0)By : Divya Kumari
Journey through Words
Embark on a literary adventure with “Journey through Words,” a captivating anthology perfect for summer vacations. This carefully curated collection brings together tales of exploration, discovery, and transformation, with each story serving as a vibrant escape into a new and exciting world for lazy days under the sun; it offers a delightful blend of relaxation and inspiration, making it the perfect addition to your summer reading list. Dive into this treasure trove of stories and let the words whisk you away on unforgettable journeys. “Journey through Words” is a must-have companion for every vacationer’s book bag, promising to enrich your summer with memorable literary experiences.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Infinite Possibilities
“Infinite Possibilities.” writes about all walks of life to explore the boundless universe of creativity, where the only limit is the scope of one’s own mind.
“Infinite Possibilities” allows authors to write, break free from the constraints of conventional storytelling, and dive headfirst into the uncharted waters of their imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or an aspiring writer, this anthology is your canvas to paint a world that defies expectations. These characters challenge norms and narratives that unravel in ways yet unexplored. -
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Reflections and Revelry
“Reflections and Revelry” is a captivating anthology that allows authors to explore the expansive realms of introspection and jubilation. Within this compilation, readers delve into intimate reflections, poignant recollections, and moments of profound insight, capturing both the tranquillity of contemplation and the exuberance of celebratory occasions. By weaving together a diverse array of narratives, this anthology sheds light on the multifaceted nature of the human experience. Each contribution presents a distinct viewpoint, contributing to a tapestry that reflects the introspective solitude and lively spirit of revelry. Through these narratives, readers embark on a journey that honours the complexity and richness of life, offering a glimpse into the myriad ways in which we perceive and cherish our existence.
पर्यावरण संरक्षण
पर्यावरण संरक्षण: यह पुस्तक पर्यावरण सरंक्षण के महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर आधारित कविताओं और लघु कहानियों का एक अनमोल संग्रह है। हमारे जीवन में पर्यावरण की भूमिका को उजागर करते हुए, यह पुस्तक हमें जागरूकता और संवेदनशीलता की ओर प्रेरित करती है।
इस संग्रह में प्रस्तुत कविताएँ और कहानियाँ प्रकृति की अद्वितीय सुंदरता और महत्व को सजीव रूप में प्रस्तुत करती हैं। प्रत्येक रचना में पृथ्वी, जल, वायु, और वनस्पतियों की महत्ता को दर्शाया गया है, साथ ही मानव और प्रकृति के बीच संतुलन बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता पर भी जोर दिया गया है।
पुस्तक में समाहित लघु कहानियाँ हमारी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी से जुड़ी हैं, जो पर्यावरण संरक्षण के महत्व को सरल और प्रभावी तरीके से समझाती हैं। यह संग्रह न केवल बच्चों और युवाओं के लिए, बल्कि हर उम्र के पाठकों के लिए प्रेरणादायक और शिक्षाप्रद साबित होगा। पर्यावरण संरक्षण की दिशा में यह पुस्तक एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है, जो हमें प्रकृति के प्रति अपने कर्तव्यों का एहसास दिलाती है और इसे सुरक्षित रखने की प्रेरणा देती है।
(0)By : Clochard
Note of November
Amidst the cooling embrace of November, writers eagerly await, pen in hand. The crisp air inspires as muses whisper, charming along the birth of mesmerizing, unknown narratives.
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
Shadows of the Mind
This Book invites authors to delve into the depths of the human psyche, exploring mysteries, hidden desires, and untold secrets. From psychological thrillers to surreal fantasies, this anthology seeks captivating narratives that blur the lines between reality and imagination, leaving readers spellbound and intrigued.
Embers of Empathy
This anthology illustrates heartfelt narratives that explore the depths of human connection and empathy. We invite writers to delve into the rich universe of emotions and experiences that showcase the power of understanding, kindness, and compassion in our world.
Writers are encouraged to craft stories that touch upon diverse aspects of empathy, from acts of selflessness and compassion in everyday life to profound moments of understanding across cultural, social, or personal divides. Whether it’s a tale of friendship transcending barriers, a gesture of empathy igniting change, or a journey of self-discovery through compassion, we seek narratives that resonate with authenticity and emotional depth.
(0)By : Amarpreet BudhirajaDr. Ashwani Kumar MalhotraKadambari GuptaMukesh Kumar Dubey 'Durlabh'Rangeesh ChandrasekarVidhi BhambhaniVipin V KambleVirendra Jain
प्रेम प्रतिध्वनि
प्रेम प्रतिध्वनि, एक सह संकलन है , जो की प्रयास करता है कि हम प्रेम के गहन और बहुमुखी पहलुओं की खोज पर चलें। साथ मिलकर, हम भावनाओं, कहानियों और प्रतिबिंबों का एक शिल्प बुनेंगे जो प्रेम के सार्वभौमिक सार के साथ प्रतिध्वनित होता है। “प्रेम प्रतिध्वनि” में, प्रयासों का उद्देश्य प्रेम की जटिलताओं को उसके विभिन्न रूपों में पकड़ना है- चाहे वह रोमांटिक, पारिवारिक या आदर्शवादी हो।
(0)By : Vipin V Kamble
कथा एक कहानी का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, जो हमें अद्वितीय अनुभवों और सिखने का मौका देती है। यह किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, या समय के चरित्रों और घटनाओं का वर्णन करती है, और हमारी धारणाओं, नैतिकता, और मान्यताओं को प्रकट करने का काम करती है। कथाएँ हमें मनोरंजन करती हैं, हमारे जीवन को रूप देती हैं, और हमें नई दिशाओं में सोचने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती हैं। वे हमें मानवीय अनुभवों का अध्ययन करने का अवसर प्रदान करती हैं और हमें अपने जीवन को समझने में मदद करती हैं।
(0)By : Amarpreet BudhirajaDr. Ashwani Kumar MalhotraKadambari GuptaMukesh Kumar Dubey 'Durlabh'Rangeesh ChandrasekarVipin V KambleVirendra Jain
उलझनें और कश्मकश
“उलझनें और कश्मकश” दो शब्द हैं जो आपसी विरोध और संघर्ष की स्थितियों को व्यक्त करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं। उलझनें व्यक्ति के मन में होने वाली संवादित समस्याओं को दर्शाते हैं, जबकि कश्मकश सामाजिक या राजनीतिक विवादों का संकेत देते हैं। उलझनें आत्म-संवाद, सोच और विचारों में परेशानी का परिचय करती हैं, जबकि कश्मकश समृद्धि, सामरिकता और सोच में विभिन्नता को दिखाती हैं। ये शब्द सामाजिक और व्यक्तिगत जीवन में होने वाली जटिलताओं को सूचित करते हैं और व्यक्तिगत या सामाजिक सुधार की दिशा में मदद कर सकते हैं।
(0)By : Aman AgarwalAmarpreet BudhirajaB RajkumarDivyabaarathi GDr. Ashwani Kumar MalhotraKadambari GuptaP VidyasagarRangeesh ChandrasekarShrawani. ChVidhi BhambhaniVipin V KambleWaheeda Yasin
Light in Darkness
“Light in Darkness” is a compelling journey through the shadows of adversity, where resilience becomes a guiding beacon. In this poignant narrative, the author navigates the human experience with eloquent prose, weaving tales of triumph over tribulation. This book celebrates the indomitable spirit, showcasing stories that inspire and resonate. It invites readers to reflect on their challenges, offering a transformative exploration of strength found in the darkest moments. With evocative storytelling, “Light in the Darkness” is a testament to the enduring power of hope and a reminder that even in the bleakest times, illumination is possible.
(0)By : Divyabaarathi GP VidyasagarRangeesh ChandrasekarRitisha Reena JainShrawani. ChVeena BodheVidhi BhambhaniVipin V KambleWaheeda Yasin
Love Resonance
Love Resonance: Let’s us walk on a exploration into the profound and multifaceted aspects of love. Together, we’ll weave a craft of emotions, stories, and reflections that resonate with the universal essence of love. In “Love Resonance,” efforts aim to capture the intricacies of love in its various forms– be it romantic, familial, or platonic.
(0)By : Aman AgarwalB RajkumarDivyabaarathi GDr. Ashwani Kumar MalhotraHardeep Kaur ChananaKadambari GuptaMuskan GuptaP VidyasagarRangeesh ChandrasekarShrawani. ChVeena BodheVidhi BhambhaniVipin V KambleWaheeda Yasin
Keep on Walking
“Keep on Walking” is an inspirational and thought-provoking journey that explores the resilience of the human spirit. In this captivating book, the co-authors take readers on a transformative expedition through life’s challenges, triumphs, and the profound lessons discovered along the way.
Through engaging storytelling and poignant reflections, “Keep on Walking” delves into the universal experiences of adversity and growth. It weaves together personal narratives, timeless wisdom, and practical insights, inviting readers to navigate their own paths with courage and tenacity.
This book is a compass for those navigating uncertainty, a source of strength for those facing obstacles, and a celebration of the indomitable human spirit. Whether you’re in the midst of a personal struggle or seeking inspiration for your next chapter, “Keep on Walking” offers a guiding light to help you persevere, grow, and ultimately, thrive. Embrace the journey, find solace in the process, and discover the power within to keep on walking.
Enchanting Spell
“Enchanting Spell” is a captivating anthology crafted by a collective of coauthors who committed themselves to a 30-day creative journey, each day responding to distinct prompts that served as the catalyst for their imaginative prowess. This curated work is a testament to the diverse perspectives and unique voices that converged to weave a tapestry of enchantment. Through the synergy of these coauthors, “Enchanting Spells” unveils a magical realm where words transcend their mundane meanings, casting a spell that transports readers to realms of fantasy, emotion, and wonder. Each contribution is a brushstroke, contributing to the masterpiece that is this anthology, creating a literary mosaic that enchants and captivates readers with its spellbinding tales born from a month-long collaborative endeavor.
Embers of Empathy
This anthology illustrates heartfelt narratives that explore the depths of human connection and empathy. We invite writers to delve into the rich universe of emotions and experiences that showcase the power of understanding, kindness, and compassion in our world.
Writers are encouraged to craft stories that touch upon diverse aspects of empathy, from acts of selflessness and compassion in everyday life to profound moments of understanding across cultural, social, or personal divides. Whether it’s a tale of friendship transcending barriers, a gesture of empathy igniting change, or a journey of self-discovery through compassion, we seek narratives that resonate with authenticity and emotional depth.