Enchanting Spell


“Enchanting Spell” is a captivating anthology crafted by a collective of coauthors who committed themselves to a 30-day creative journey, each day responding to distinct prompts that served as the catalyst for their imaginative prowess. This curated work is a testament to the diverse perspectives and unique voices that converged to weave a tapestry of enchantment. Through the synergy of these coauthors, “Enchanting Spells” unveils a magical realm where words transcend their mundane meanings, casting a spell that transports readers to realms of fantasy, emotion, and wonder. Each contribution is a brushstroke, contributing to the masterpiece that is this anthology, creating a literary mosaic that enchants and captivates readers with its spellbinding tales born from a month-long collaborative endeavor.

SKU: Anthology15 Category: Brand:
Author: Divija BhambaniHuma AnsariRangeesh ChandrasekarSanjeevani GurjarShrawani. ChVipin V Kamble

“Enchanting Spell” is a captivating anthology crafted by a collective of coauthors who committed themselves to a 30-day creative journey, each day responding to distinct prompts that served as the catalyst for their imaginative prowess. This curated work is a testament to the diverse perspectives and unique voices that converged to weave a tapestry of enchantment. Through the synergy of these coauthors, “Enchanting Spells” unveils a magical realm where words transcend their mundane meanings, casting a spell that transports readers to realms of fantasy, emotion, and wonder. Each contribution is a brushstroke, contributing to the masterpiece that is this anthology, creating a literary mosaic that enchants and captivates readers with its spellbinding tales born from a month-long collaborative endeavor.

Weight 0.250 kg
Dimensions 15 × 1 × 21 cm

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