Hansika Srivastava

Hansika Srivastava

Meet Hansika Srivastava, a 15-year-old resident of Mumbai, India, whose heart beats for literature. She is a young wordsmith who has conquered her inner demons, wearing her scars like wings that propel her to new literary heights.

Hansika shares her creative writings through her blog and various social media platforms dedicated to the written word. When she’s not immersed in the world of crafting new pieces or getting lost in the enchanting realm of literature, you’ll find her surrounded by the melodies of music. Her favorite artists’ songs serve as the soundtrack to her daily life, providing inspiration and rhythm to her creative journey.

Her literary odyssey takes a momentous stride with the release of her debut book, “The Lakes”. For Hansika, this book isn’t just a singular accomplishment; it’s the opening chapter of her life story. With each word she pens, she aspires to leave a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of those who delve into her writings. She aims to offer experiences that leave behind enduring values, persisting long after the book’s covers are closed.

  • Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories
  • Female
  • 3